| September 24, 2019

Member Spotlight | Good2Go

CTA Staff

Have you ever been in a new city and needed to find the nearest restroom? The San Francisco-based startup, Good2Go, launched an app to help users locate safe and sanitary restrooms in any city. 

We got the chance to talk to the founders about their app. 

How did you first come up with the idea for Good2Go? What problem were you trying to solve?

Fran was out training with a group of runners when one of the team needed a restroom. The group was made up of locals but no one knew where a restroom could be found. That situation started a conversation about how technology has made many urban improvements, yet something so necessary and basic as restroom access has been left in an antiquated and broken state. Similarly, retailers and businesses often struggle to manage access to customer restrooms. Keys and codes are burdensome to regulate and, without them, restrooms can become the target of misuse like vandalism, graffiti, shoplifting, and drug related incidents. 

How does the Good2Go app work? What is the technology behind the idea?

Good2Go uses novel hardware integration and proprietary virtual queue software. A user opens the app, selects a location nearby, and once in proximity, joins the virtual queue. The user will automatically advance in the line on the app. Upon reaching the top of the queue, a digital key is sent to the user’s smartphone allowing them to unlock and automatically open the door. 

What's next for Good2Go?

As Good2Go completes the series A, hyper-local expansion around San Francisco and establishing critical mass in a single city will predict future expansion. In addition, Good2Go has recently secured several exciting new pilots & partnerships. Lyft will be piloting our app and services to San Francisco drivers solving one of the biggest challenges for driver (locating and accessing a restroom). Also, TOTO has recently become an exclusive supply and co-branding partner. They will supply retail partners in the Good2Go network and will co-brand and co-market the Good2Go mobile unit.